Home >> Start >> Specials >> Leonaspis elliptica 2 - Rettung eines Trilobiten all trilobites on Trilotarium german/deutsch
Rescue of a Trilobite
The famous location of Gees/Gerolstein is closed now since a long time because of nature conservation. Rare trilobites are to be found in the surrounding also very rarely of course – but as rare as that is the occasion to buy such a trilobite.

Some times ago, however, there was the opportunity to buy a Leonaspis elliptica, but it had had obviously a bad fate, somebody had tried to prepare it – with a flex. Great notches had remained.

0093 0095
The aim of a trial of a restauration was to prepare the unprepared parts as the parts of the cephalon and Pygidium as well as the spines. Also the big notches should be closed, but not that way, that it may appear as a falsification. On the other side the additions should not irritate the whole aspect.
The Preparing

Leo at the Hospital:
First of all the notches were filled with plaster.
Then it was prepared and the colours of the plaster-parts were adapted.
0097 0098
Then Leo was ready.:
0100 0101
Leonaspis elliptica 2
Asaphida Harpina Illaenina Lichida Phacopina Proetina
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